Sunday, March 23, 2008

Common myths and facts associated with treatment of Vitiligo skin disorder

If you or someone close to you has vitiligo skin disorder what you have did? How effectively you managed to cope up with life after white spots developed on your skin? Are you able to smile when reading these questions? Or you are sobbing inside?

As you and I know life is very difficult initially in vitiligo skin disorder patients. You can not explain everybody that your condition is not an infection, or contagious disease. Because of lack of awareness and superstition even educated people will frown their face towards matters like marriage, job etc with vitiligo skin disorder patients.

And what happens when you seek medical help? There also you may have faced difficulties. Haven’t you? Some will say it is not treatable at all, you have to live with it. This is the first myth about the treatment of vitiligo skin disorder. It is not true. There are treatments for the vitiligo skin disorder and majority of patients can expect good results after treatment.

The second myth is associated with the oral medicine psoralens. It is used in vitiligo skin disorder patients to make their skin sunlight sensitive. It is believed that psoralen is toxic to liver. But it is not true.

The third myth is that the treatment of vitiligo skin disorder with psoralen + UVA (PUVA) is cancereous to skin. This is not completely true. Usually for treatments using psoralen requires only limited number of times. If you receive the treatment for more than 250 times, yes of course there is a risk of developing treatable squamous cell cancers of the skin.

So don’t be confused with the myths over vitiligo skin disorder. Start a treatment suitable for you by consulting a dermatologist right now.


Irshad said...

I am fully agree with you vitiligo affect social life of a person very much and the patient has to suffer hard stress due to their skin condition. I like your advice about oral psoralen but as Anti-Vitiligo say that very few people will continue to use it because of the following reasons.

Extremely unpleasant taste
Large quantities are usually required for oral intake which is very cumbersome
intolerance and side effects in form of nausea and allergic symptoms
Unwanted over pigmentation of the whole body
The pigmentation is usually temporary which is lost gradually on cessation of treatment

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment Irshad. I hope we can find a cure and fast for this really nasty disease!