We live a very hectic life and our schedules leave no time to rest, let alone 7-8 hours of sleep. This has given rise to fatigue and it has become a serious problem world wide. But all of us deal with the fatigue, in the wrong way and seek the help of energy busters to combat fatigue.
Will these energy supplements or energy busters do any good to our body? No, our body requires adequate sleep to function properly. Sleep is as essential as air to our body.
So what do we do to get instant energy and drive away fatigue? Energy is a very natural result of certain lifestyle situations and decisions that we take. You can boost your energy by consuming fewer calories. When we eat, the blood is diverted into our stomach and we spend energy for digestion. Try to food that is easy to digest and rich in proteins. Cut out on sugar, alcohol, caffeine and nicotine and eats lot of vegetables and fruits, grilled fish and juices of fruits or vegetables. Your energy will reach higher levels. Supplements can also help in correcting the metabolic issues and thus increasing the energy in the process.
Stress is another villain that saps energy. When you are under stress, the body produces a lot more adrenaline and cortisol, two hormones which are actually needed only in times of emergency. High levels of cortisol, reduces the thinking capacity and memory power of an individual. Mediation is a good stress buster that will reduce stress and increase the energy levels.
Meditation and yoga are stress busters that will help to relieve your mind. Yoga has seen a major growth worldwide. The breathing exercises are good for health and a good means of relaxation. Our hectic schedules do not permit us to accept any vigorous form of exercise but you can practice yoga at home with just a mat. There are many yoga DVDs available which can help you to master this form of exercise.
Dancing, cleaning the house or some form of aerobic exercise is also a major stress buster. If you are one of the lucky few who have a swimming pool near your home, then don’t miss the opportunity. Swimming de-stresses the body and also helps you to maintain your body. Swimming will give you the maximum benefit in the least time. Exercise sends oxygen to the body and improves circulation and you will observe that you have enough energy to boost your entire system
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Boost your energy levels the right way!
Are Genetically Modified foods good for you?
Decades ago everything was natural and so was our food and food habits. We ate raw vegetables; fruits had a lot of water and drank 2 glasses of good milk. But science and technology bought about a drastic change in our lifestyle and food could not be left far behind. Our lifestyle became more hectic and refined foods that were easy to prepare and were cost effective too. A few processed products that have crept into daily life are-
One of the first mutant foods that entered our kitchens was processed cheese food products which contained emulsifiers, refined ingredients, preservatives and a little bit of cheese. They had a longer shelf life so consumers were happy, the manufacturers were happy too because using a few natural ingredients, they could create a product that was cheap and affordable and which everyone liked.
Originally people produced marshmallows from the marshmallow plant, but now we consume a sweet and unnatural gummy treat which contains a modified version of the marshmallow syrup, modified ingredients and gelatin which is unhealthy.
Jell-o might be your favorite dessert,, but did you ever wonder how it is prepared and what are the ingredients used to make this wonderful dessert. The next time you reach out for a jell-o remember that it contains gelatin that is derived from the collagen in the connective tissues and bones of cows and pigs. It is also rich in refined sugar which is another enemy of perfect health
People are aware of the health risks of mutant foods, but they are ignorant about the fact that these artificial foods are responsible for various disease. Preservatives like sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate are found in processed meats and also in hot dogs. They are mentioned as preservatives but they are known to cause cancer. Next time you pick a packaged tin, just take a good look at its ingredients and increase your knowledge on refined and unrefined food. Soft drinks and other foods contain ingredients which are not healthy for our body. Hydrogenated oils are cheap, act as preservatives and are extremely harmful to our body.
Processed foods taste good but they definitely aren’t all that good for you.
Weird medical treatments still used today!
Quite Strange but True Medical Practices Which really worked but were a tad dangerous!
Take A Look
The field of medicine has seen a revolutionary change but there are a few practices of ancient days which are still used today. You may be bewildered but these facts are absolutely true.
Bloodletting: this was a common practice in ancient times wherein a large amount of blood was removed with the belief that it will cure the patient of an illness. There are several fluids which maintain balance of our human body, and if any one of the fluid balance is disturbed, a person falls sick. So people in ancient times used to let the blood out of the system. Today blood is drawn for lab analysis or blood transfusion.
Maggot therapy: maggots are used to heal the wound of the injured in rare cases. Maggots are known to consume the dead tissue and leave the healthy tissues alone. Maggots are competent cleaners than any other non-surgical treatment but cannot replace antibiotic therapy. The maggot therapy has received the approval of the FDA in 2004.
Laughter therapy: A sound strange but it is one of the best known therapies. Also known as humor therapy, it promotes the overall health and wellness of an individual. Hospitals do provide laughter therapy sessions as a complementary treatment for any illness. The use of humor has been used as early as the 13th century and will live on forever.
Insulin coma therapy: in 1927, a patient of a Viennese physician Manfred Sakel was administered an insulin overdose which led to coma. Upon waking the woman who was a drug addict claimed that her craving for morphine disappeared. When this happened again with another patient the doctor discovered the insulin coma therapy which acted well on patients who suffered form schizophrenia and psychosis. This therapy was not accepted as it was dangerous and so was eradicated later on.
Seizure therapy: a Hungarian pathologist Ladislas Meduna who had a fair idea that seizures could be used to treat schizophrenia was the actual brain behind this therapy. He found out that camphor when dissolved in oil works best in both humans as well as animals alike. Many patients were treated and responded to the treatments but the side effects of this injection was dangerous as it included memory loss and caused weakness in bones hence the seizure therapy was discontinued.